The problem we are addressing: Professional and community concerns related to hoarding behavior and its consequences.
The coalition meets every third Wednesday of the month, 3-5 p.m. via ZOOM:

Members of the Hoarding Coalition in one of their first meetings, November 2019.
Feel Free to Share this link:
or Call In Toll Free: 888-788-0099
Meeting ID: 628-969-7356
Participants just press # to join.
Are you looking for more resources or support on HOARDING or HIGH CLUTTER situations? Check out the pdf “Hoarding Resources” on the right hand side of this webpage.
Still have questions? You can call and leave a message here: 206.257.7967 or email us at; we’ll call you back within 2 business days
Our Vision:
We envision a stigma-free culture of engagement in Western Washington in which every person who is affected by Hoarding Disorder has ready access to an affordable, quality, and comprehensive team of knowledgeable and compassionate professionals who are well-trained to work with them in a supportive environment.
Our Mission:
We are a multi-disciplinary collective in Western Washington aimed at promoting a compassionate and research-based understanding of Hoarding Disorder.
We are committed to working with people who hoard; their families, friends and animals; communities; and service professionals, through education, collaboration, and advocacy for change.
We will work to develop and implement long-term, sustainable solutions for hoarding-related problems so that families can remain in their homes in safe and healthy ways.
Catherine “Cricket” Farr, MA, LMHC,GMHS Housing Stabilization and Supports Director Full Life Care 206.743.1032 |
Ashley Kraft Housing Stability Specialist SHAG Senior Housing or 206.549.2518 |
Please note: The main objective of the task force meeting is to serve as resources and education for professionals who work with hoarding cases, based on the agenda topic of the day.
While individuals who hoard and family members may attend, it is important to know that the meeting is not a community support group so we kindly request that personal stories be kept to a bare minimum. If individuals who hoard and their family members are in need of more personalized support, see a list of current community support groups at the end of this message.
Community Support Groups
Seattle, WA
Full Life Care Hoarding Support Group
Meeting online via Zoom:
every Wednesday 1pm – 2:30pm
Join Zoom Meeting
See Hoarding Support Group Flyer – Zoom 2021
Seattle OCD Group
Meetings are every third Saturday of each month
10 am – Noon
If you’d like to be added to the invite list for their meetings, email Pam at
Northwest Relationships
Usually meet first and third Thursdays of the month
Family and Friends support group: 11 – 11:50 a.m.
Individual support group: noon – 12:50 p.m.
Email Benjamin Labarbera for information on either:
If you are aware of additional community support groups, please let us know and we’ll add them to the list.
- Why are we called a Coalition?
- Our group began as the King County Hoarding Taskforce. Then we became the King and Pierce County Taskforce. Then we found that Snohomish County was joining us too! Our geographic area – Western Washington – is easily navigable via the I-5 corridor and WA State ferry system. When the COVID-19 pandemic hit, and we switched to meeting on line, we found that people from Island County, Kitsap County, Whatcom, and others joined as well. The “coalition” title allows us to develop into a Coalition of Hoarding Taskforces. Together, we can solve more problems.
- What is the affiliation with Full Life Care?
- Full Life Care is a non-profit social service organization that operates in King, Pierce and Snohomish Counties of Washington State. During the 40 years of working with clients, Full Life Care staff have encountered many people who struggle with hoarding and excessive clutter. When the opportunity arose to sponsor the NWHC website, Full Life Care senior management quickly agreed. After all, Full Life has a reputation of solving problems through building community. The NWHC is a great match.
- Why are we called a Coalition?