A Conversation With Founder Nora Gibson

FLC: Can you tell us a bit about your background and what inspired you to start Full Life Care? Nora: I hold an MS in Social Work and have always been committed to working with elderly and disabled adults. I saw a significant need for support services to help people stay out of skilled nursing… Read More

Housing Stabilization Team Changing Lives

Under the careful direction and authorization of DSHS case management programs, the FLC Community Transitions program staff, also known as Community Choice Guides, or CCG’s, can assist referred client’s whose housing is at risk. There are CCG’s taking DSHS referrals in almost every county in Washington! The CCG program at Full Life Care is one… Read More


Full Life Care’s Adult Day Health program has been known for more than four decades as an integral community partner dedicated to providing older adults and people with chronic illnesses and disabilities with needed support to maintain independent living. In addition to the Everett location in Snohomish County, the Seattle program’s relocation in April of… Read More

Jim and Dona’s Adult Day Health Experience

Jim and Dona’s journey with Adult Day Health left an indelible mark on his heart. As he cared for his wife, Dona, he witnessed firsthand the transformative power of compassionate care. The warmth, the smiles, the unwavering support—it all mattered deeply.  Give Big Today: Make a secure one-time donation. Every dollar makes a difference!  Explore Ways to… Read More

Full Life Care Programs: Transforming Clutter to Clarity

Our professional team of clinicians live by a simple mantra “The client is the boss.”    Rather than imposing a one-size-fits-all approach, we meet individuals where they are in their healing journey. Dignity, respect, and understanding are at the core of our work, especially when supporting individuals living among high-volume clutter.   Enter Aristotle—a Master… Read More
full life care volunteers

Care Teams Volunteers Discover Unexpected Benefits

During National Volunteer Appreciation Week, April 21-27, 2024 we honor Full Life’s committed community volunteers. Staff often marvel at their dedication and we’re always curious to know what motivates them. Full Life volunteers come from all walks of life — the retiree, the college student, the midlife professional, the stay-at-home moms and dads, service veterans.… Read More
ElderFriends pair Patricia (Patty) Hanrahan and Caroline Horsford

Soul Friends

“What seems quite by chance is never by chance.” – Patricia Hanrahan The smell of freshly baked scones and brewing coffee filled the air as ElderFriends pair Patricia (Patty) Hanrahan and Caroline Horsford sat down to reflect upon their friendship in Patty’s home in West Seattle.  After being matched in March of 2023, the two… Read More
Mary Anne Knowles

A Journey of Compassion: My Story with Full Life Care

In my sixties, a widow, with all my children having moved on to their own lives, I found myself working in a nursing home for the elderly. I couldn’t help but ponder the questions I had about my own reactions to those facing the end of life and the remarkable resilience of those who maintained… Read More
colorful flower garden

A Can Do Attitude: Family Caregivers Value Volunteer Support

November is National Family Caregiver month — a time to recognize and honor unpaid family caregivers. Full Life is dedicated to the independence and well-being of older adults and adults with disabilities, including respite for caregivers. Our Care Teams program, funded by the King County Veterans, Seniors, and Human Services Levy, is one example of… Read More