By Barb Claitman
1952 – 2013

Barb Claitman
Giving and volunteering is a big part of who I am.
I volunteer at a hospital, helping many elderly veterans. Some of them can’t communicate verbally very well, or their mobility is seriously compromised. Despite their limitations, I often see them dropped off at the front door by nursing homes and left to fend for themselves when they are in need of much greater assistance. There are so many veterans and other elders without adequate support in our communities. Often they don’t realize how their care – and their lives – could be different.
I discovered Full Life Care in the 1980s when I volunteered to help paint the interior of one of the adult day health centers. Then I learned that one of my employees relied on Full Life to provide adult day services for her father. I saw how I could make an important difference in the lives of elders and persons with disabilities. I started supporting Full Life with a donation a few times a year.
When my mom passed away in 2011 – and then I faced my own serious health issues – I knew it was time to redo my outdated will. I realized I could be generous with family members and continue the giving that is essential to my values through a major gift.
I looked at the organizations I’ve supported over the years and decided to make a big impact by selecting one or two. Then I did my homework – both online and in-person – and made this important decision to continue my support for Full Life Care in my will.
It gives me great peace of mind to know that others will benefit from my planned gift long after I am gone.