A Journey of Compassion: My Story with Full Life Care

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In my sixties, a widow, with all my children having moved on to their own lives, I found myself working in a nursing home for the elderly. I couldn’t help but ponder the questions I had about my own reactions to those facing the end of life and the remarkable resilience of those who maintained a positive outlook despite their challenging circumstances.
Upon hearing about a course at Seattle University, I thought it might provide some answers and insights. After completing the course, my friend Pat Lewis, who had connections with Full Life Care, approached me with an opportunity to volunteer a few times each month with a group of individuals dealing with brain injuries. Our focus was on discussing spirituality. I had concerns about my own hearing impairment and whether I would be effective in this role. Fortunately, Katherine Klauser, a dedicated employee, was assigned to assist me.
Over the course of five years, I led discussions and shared my thoughts while Katherine adeptly translated and interpreted for our group of 4 to 6 or 7 participants. I was continually amazed by the clients’ capacity to listen, respond, and make genuine progress in their lives. In the end, I consider myself incredibly fortunate to have been a part of their journey.
At 92, I look back on my journey with Full Life Care, and I’m filled with gratitude. My path started with a simple course, but it led to a lifetime of enriching experiences and connections. As I slowed down and looked around, I realized that my purpose was not just about me: it was about the countless lives I could touch. Full Life Care became my extended family, and their smiles warmed my heart.
Today, I invite anyone reading this to join me in realizing that we all have so much more to give. Let’s be the change we want to see in the world, by supporting Full Life Care. Together, we can create a more compassionate society for all.
As I continue my journey, I’m excited to know that Full Life Care’s new building on Beacon Hill will serve even more neighbors. My legacy of compassion will live on, as I’ve proudly included this remarkable organization in my last will and testament. It’s a testament to the power of community, love, and the endless capacity of the human heart to give. Join me in making a difference, for today and generations to come.”