A little help goes a long way

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Emergency fund helps client maintain her independence

Tiffany Robinson back in the drivers seat.
Tiffany Robinson is tough. She’s taken a lot that life has thrown at her in her 38 years and these last few months have been especially difficult.
Tiffany’s in the fight of her life as she battles sickle cell disease and now finds herself trying to cope with the passing of her mother in May. “She was my biggest supporter,” Tiffany said. “I’m still having a hard time dealing with that.”
Then just a few weeks ago, creditors came and towed her car away. It was her transportation to medical appointments and to look for work.
“It was like everything was coming at me all at once,” Tiffany said. “I didn’t know what to do.”
Fortunately, Full Life Care and its affiliate Transforming Age was there to help.
Through a special Transforming Age program, Full Life was able to grant Tiffany the money to pay her creditors and get her car back earlier this month.
“I just feel so blessed,” Tiffany says. “You people are the greatest!”
“It was a Hail Mary opportunity,” said Full Life’s Health Home Program Director Katheryn Howell.
Tiffany has been a client in the Health Home program for two years. The program helps individuals with chronic conditions to coordinate health plans and anything else they need to live independently. Tiffany said the pandemic eliminated her livelihood — child care — so Health Home Care coordinator Melissa Cass is helping Tiffany look for something else that will allow her to earn money and make use of her talents.
The emergency grant program that helped Tiffany was created by the Transforming Age Foundation to assist Transforming Age team employees and others associated with the non-profit agency. Grants of up to $1,500 are available to individuals who’ve been impacted by disasters or personal hardship.
Earlier this year in response to the devastating impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, the emergency grant program was expanded to include Full Life clients. Allison Riese, Transforming Age’s Director of Development; and Kim Loveall Price, Transforming Age VP of Community Development and Full Life Interim Executive Director, were instrumental in expanding the program.
“We believed that, in light of the extra hardships brought on by this pandemic, it was essential to extend assistance in as many ways as possible,” Kim said. “Full Life clients are facing challenges every day, and our mission is to help them as they overcome those challenges. Tiffany is a great example of that perseverance.”
Care coordinator Melissa can attest to that.
“Tiffany is extremely independent. She’s like force of nature,” Melissa said. “With her will power and passion and drive to succeed probably the strongest of any client I’ve worked with.
“She’s endured so much. Truly inspiring to me.”
Your contributions help clients like Tiffany to maintain their independence as they persevere against enormous challenges. Consider making a donation today.
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