AmeriCorps Leads Health Management Course

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Updated: April 26, 2019.
Thousands of adults across Puget Sound live with one or more chronic health conditions. Full Life Care is hosting a 6-week Chronic Disease Self-Management Course to help individuals, caregivers and family members manage symptoms of those conditions and to improve quality of life.
Every Wednesday, May 8 – June 12
9:30 am – Noon
South Seattle Adult Day Health Center
4712 35th Avenue South, Seattle, WA
Each participant will receive a free book, Living a Healthy Life with Chronic Conditions, which includes the information covered in the course.
To register, contact Molly Corwin at or 206.335.6246. This course was possible through a partnership with the African American Reach and Teach Health Ministry.
About This Course
The course is designed for individuals who live with chronic diseases, such as diabetes, heart disease, arthritis, lung disease, depression and many others. While there are no cures, it is possible for you or your loved one to live a healthier life.
The course’s curriculum includes an overview of common conditions, and focuses on overall healthy behaviors to promote healthier lifestyles. Topics range from appropriate exercise, pain management, communicating effectively with family and health professionals, decision making, and other topics.
The course was developed by Stanford University, and is now managed by the Self-Management Resource Center. Course concepts are evidence-based. Researchers studied more than 1,000 people with a variety of chronic conditions who followed these concepts. They experienced overall improvement in symptoms, and fewer physician and hospital visits. Studies also showed participants had increased confidence in managing their own diseases.
During each of the six sessions, participants engage in a variety of activities. These include full group discussions, working with partners and self-reflection. Each week, participants create an action plan—an action-specific set of goals geared toward increasing self-efficacy. At the beginning of each session, participants discuss progress.
This course is open to anyone experiencing a chronic condition, as well as any caregivers or family members who are assisting someone in managing these conditions.
Led by AmeriCorps
AmeriCorps service members Molly Corwin and Kieme Eligwe are leading this health education course. To prepare as facilitators, Molly and Kieme attended a five-day intensive training and certification course lead by the African American Reach and Teach Health Ministry.
Full Life Care hosts AmeriCorps service members each year through a grant from Washington Service Corps. Members serve full time for 10 ½ months at Full Life and partner organizations to address critical needs within the Greater Seattle area.
Applications to join for the 2019-2020 AmeriCorps service year open in the spring.