AmeriCorps Members Go Above and Beyond in Service

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AmeriCorps service member Erika Stover stood at the front of the room, leading a small contingent of practitioners through the steps in their weekly Tai Ji Quan class at Blakeley Manor. The movements were slow and easy, with steady reminders to breathe deeply.
The movements are modified for older adults at risk of falling and for individuals with balance disorders. Research shows that this regimen improves movement and balance. Erika went through intensive training to become an instructor in Tai Ji Quan: Moving for Better Balance.
This is one example of the efforts our AmeriCorps service members put forward so they can better serve our clients and partner agencies. We place our members in positions throughout Full Life Care’s programs and partner organizations, including Lifelong Recreation, Sound Generations, and at Seattle Housing Authority, which includes Blakeley Manor.
For nearly 15 years, Full Life Care has partnered with Washington Service Corps to sponsor AmeriCorps service member positions. Over the years, more than 100 AmeriCorps and AmeriCorps VISTA members have addressed challenges in our community by leading activities to engage isolated and vulnerable adults and introduce them to effective programs that promote health, wellness and independence.
After serving a few weeks as the aging-in-place specialist for 22 senior housing facilities run by the Seattle Housing Authority, service member Sam Parker jumped in to help fill a need at Bitter Lake Manor.
“I was surprised by how many residents expressed an interest in legal topics, like wills, advance directives and power of attorney,” he said. “After a few months of reaching out to legal groups, I was able to set up a presentation for Bitter Lake Manor.”
Nearly 20 percent of the residents attended to hear cost-effective recommendations and tips on these issues.
Every day at Full Life, service members engage clients in various exercise programs, art studios and even gardening. Service members Molly Corwin and Kieme Eligwe went through training to lead a six-week Chronic Disease Self-Management Course to help individuals, caregivers and family members manage symptoms of those conditions and to improve quality of life.
These are just a few examples of the outstanding efforts this year’s team has undertaken to better serve clients at Full Life and those of our partner agencies.
Are you interested in serving? Visit our website to learn more about the AmeriCorps team. We’ll start accepting applications for the 2019 team in the spring.