Call to Action – Veterans, Seniors, and Human Services Levy

Every six years, King County voters get the opportunity to vote on the Veterans, Seniors and Human Services Levy (VSHSL) that invests in a wide range of community programs provided by human service workers: essential support, housing, and care for our elders, young children, and other neighbors who need support, safety, or assistance. 

The VSHSL provides essential funds for Full Life’s Care Teams program. This program provides tailored services to relieve caregiver stress and prevent burnout. Small teams of volunteers offer practical and social support such as chore assistance, errands, and companionship to caregivers of seniors, veterans, active service members, and their families throughout the County. These services are provided free of charge, easing caregiver burden and providing much-needed support.

Levy funding supports much of our human services framework in King County and makes it possible to launch new initiatives like Care Teams. We ask that you join us in urging members of the King County Council and the Regional Policy Committee to INCREASE the proposed levy to better help King County residents. Keeping the levy at the same rate as for the past six years means we will not be able to maintain quality services for the many people who need them, due to the rising cost of doing business, steep inflation, and the loss of one-time federal COVID-19 relief funds. To continue care, respond to people who are hungry, without homes, or in need, and keep experienced staff in these jobs, the King County Council MUST propose a higher levy — anything else means we will leave people behind.

Please email your King County Council member here immediately.

Follow this link for a personal Care Teams story.

TAKE ACTION! Tell King County Councilmembers (and Regional Policy Committee members) that our Community needs to RENEW and INCREASE the Levy for Veterans, Seniors, and people who use Human Services!

Categories: Take action