How many hours am I expected to serve per week?
This is a full-time position that lasts 10 ½ months. To earn 1,700 hours (a requirement to receive the education award), you will need to invest at least 8 hours a day, 40 hours per week. You may also need to accumulate extra service hours outside of your regular service site.
Do I get vacation time or sick days?
You may be approved for reasonable leave time (up to four consecutive days off) if you are on track to achieve the 1,700-hour requirement. You may follow the holiday schedule at your service site. Note that those holiday hours, if not served, do not count toward the service hours required for an education award.
Can I have a second job?
Yes, you may have a second part-time job. However, the second job should not interfere with the regular schedule of your AmeriCorps service site.
Do I need a car?
A vehicle is not required. Public transportation is readily available, and most members qualify for a free monthly public transit pass.
When does health insurance coverage start and what does it cover?
If you opt to accept health insurance from Washington Service Corps, coverage starts when you begin your term of service and ends on your end date (typically Sept. 1 to July 15). The insurance meets all the standards of the Affordable Care Act.
What does it mean that Full Life has an AmeriCorps “team”?
Being part of an AmeriCorps team gives you more support and greater opportunities to engage with other AmeriCorps members. Our members serve at their placement site and become valuable contributors to their organization. In addition, the team gathers at least once a month for orientation, training, service projects, social outings, and other events.
What happens during a typical day in service?
A typical service day can vary, depending on your placement and specific position. One day a member may facilitate health education classes, teach tai chi to residents in public housing, lead arts and crafts, or build new partnerships with organizations to better serve older immigrants.
In many cases, you’ll work independently on projects while collaborating with staff and volunteers. It’s up to you to ask questions and bring ideas. It’s important to be an advocate for yourself. Talk to your site supervisor about your strength, professional development, and when you need additional support. Your service year is ultimately what you make of it!
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