COVID video teaches safety

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UW nursing students partner with Full Life to inform, reassure
University of Washington nursing students have produced a video for residents in Seattle Housing Authority senior housing that tells just about everything you need to know about COVID-19 and the vaccines now available.
In partnership with Full Life’s Wellness Program, the video covers how the virus works, how the vaccines fight it and helps the viewer learn how and where to get the vaccine. The Wellness program primarily serves senior residents in the Seattle Senior Housing Program.
Students Cassandra Bass, Caitlin Welsch, Louise Wong and Bennie Gross produced the video under the instruction of their professor, Tamara Cunitz; and with Max Tuvloff, Full Life RN in the Wellness Program. Their work is part of an ongoing partnership between Full Life and the UW Nursing school to provide students with practicum projects every academic quarter.
The video is as entertaining as it is informative. And it’s earned the praise of Full Life’s Medical Director, Dr. Jenny Roraback-Carson, who is also an Attending Physician and Clinical Assistant Professor of Geriatrics with UW Medicine at Harborview Medical Center.
“This is a great video!” Dr. Jenny exclaimed. “The students did an awesome job. :)”
Feel free to share with family, friends and colleagues. Stay informed. Stay safe!