Full Life Care — Four Decades of Service

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We are persevering through these unprecedented times and we need you more than ever! Our goals are to build the community of people who support the mission of Full Life Care and raise $100,000!
Instead of hosting an in-person fall event, Full Life Care is asking everyone to stay home and invite your networks to follow us on social media, share posts, and give during October.
Full Life Care is a nonprofit health and social service organization serving the older population and other adults with serious illnesses or disabilities and their care givers. With an annual budget of $20M, including $400,000 in philanthropic support, and more than 500 employees, Full Life serves over 4,000 individuals each year.
The beginnings of Full Life Care go back to the 1970s with the creation of Day Health Centers for older adults in Ravenna and Capitol Hill. The organization became ElderHealth Northwest in 1994 and expanded to Snohomish County in 2003. Reflecting our history as a care provider and mission to help adults of all ages more fully experience and enjoy their lives, no matter the degree of their daily challenges, the organization rebranded to become Full Life Care in 2011.
Full Life Care is the Home- and Community-Based Services (HCBS) affiliate of Transforming Age, a nonprofit network dedicated to enhancing the lives of older adults and the people who love and care for them. Beyond Full Life Care, Transforming Age operates senior living and affordable housing communities in Washington, Minnesota, and Nebraska and invests in services, products and partnerships that grow mission impact.
To support Full Life Care:
- Follow us on Facebook (facebook.com/FullLifeCare/) and Twitter (twitter.com/fulllifecare).
- Share postings with friends, colleagues, family: (fulllifecare.org/blog-and-news/blog/).
- Give during our October push (org/ways-to-give/online/).