Fundraising finale

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With less than 48 hours to go, we are very nearly to our goal of $100,000 in our October fundraising campaign!
The sacrifices have been many. But our mission never changed: We Persevere, and We Never Give Up on People!
Our clients have remained resilient and have persevered, as well. They are already facing unique challenges brought on by misfortune, chronic illness or age-related impacts. And no less than anyone, they deserve to live lives to the fullest potential.
And with your help, they are doing just that.
You’ve been so generous during this campaign, and for us and our clients, we say Thank You!
There’s still time to follow, share, and give during this campaign. Click on the links below and:
- Follow us on Facebook ( and Twitter (
- Share postings with friends, colleagues, family: (org/blog-and-news/blog/).
- Give during our October push (org/ways-to-give/online/).