Gratitude without bounds

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A virtual gathering to thank those who selflessly give
Nothing keeps a good volunteer from finding a way to give. Not a pandemic, not “stay-at-home” directives. Dedicated volunteers figure out a way.
And Full Life Care celebrated that dedication recently with its first ever Gratitude Gathering video meeting April 29.
On the heels of this year’s National Volunteer Week, April 19-25, hosting a typical annual appreciation event was out of the question to comply with necessary public health precautions. But Full Life’s Volunteer Services department found a way to pull it off.
Volunteer Programs Director Ginger Seybold, Volunteer Programs Supervisor Jessica Chin, and Friendly Visiting Supervisor Crissy Gonzales hosted a cyberspace meeting of volunteers past and present and other Full Life staff who have experience working alongside volunteers for many years.
The evening was filled with happy remembrances and words of thanks.
“The theme of our stories tonight are centered around our most valued memories of volunteer service, and we’re really talking about feelings of gratitude,” said Jessica. “What we really appreciate the most.”
And as it should be, all the memories relived at the gathering were focused on clients, the reason Full Life exists in the first place.

Full Life staff and volunteers gather for the first ever Gratitude Gathering video conference
“We have these beautiful people coming through the door who are really there just to connect and make light hearts of folks who have been through some really life changing experiences,” said Glenda “Moe” Pocha, Program Manager of the Everett Adult Day Health Center. “To have volunteers come in and share their really valuable time . . . leaves a huge impact on the lives of the clients we get to work with.”
“Thank you so much because there’s really no measure to touching another human heart. And the volunteers, all of you come with that in mind, and it shows.”
Volunteers are continuing to serve wholeheartedly in remote opportunities supporting our clients and services. Some are making frequent phone calls to ElderFriends participants and others shuttered at home. Others are creating Cards of Encouragement and Home Sewn Masks for Home Care Aide staff and clients.
And the opportunities are still available. Find out how you can become a part here.