‘Krazy’ art
Client shows her artistic side
Her name is EE-B K. HARRIS-PENDEZA, and she calls her art work “krazy.”
“Just all my life krazy, with a ‘K,’ a different kind of krazy,” she says. “The educational sort.”
Her media, “Mixed media.”
Krazy cool, we say!
EE-B K. is one of staffer Erin Schafer’s clients who benefits from Full Life’s Foundational Community Supports‘ efforts to distribute art supplies to adults with complex care needs throughout King County. The FCS team helps clients find and maintain independent housing, supporting them as long as necessary.
Last month the FCS and volunteer service teams launched a drive to solicit donations of art supplies to deliver to their 150 clients. Supplies run out quickly, but you can help. Our clients want art kits, instructional art books, adult coloring books, puzzle books, art supplies like colored pencils, markers and sketchbooks and painting supplies of all kinds.
“Many people deem these supplies unnecessary, but even our clients agree it will improve mental health,” Erin said. “People want to be remembered in a way that isn’t just survival.”
There is still time to help support FLC’s Creative Engagement Donation Drive during the COVID-19 pandemic. The donation drive is on through Aug. 31. Learn more about it here:
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