Love conquers all

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Adult Day Health clients find happiness with each other
Frank and Patty finally tied the knot.
They took their vows May 14, proclaiming to the world that they’re together forever. The nuptials took place at the adult family home where the couple lives together.
“When we really connected was when Patty reached for my hand and we instantly bonded when we touched,” said Frank. “We couldn’t let go. We thought it was great, and it ended up being very, very good.”
That was two years ago at the Full Life Adult Day Health Center in Everett where Frank Scott and Patty Wicken are clients.
On that day they were alone, waiting for other clients to show up.

Frank Scott and Patty Wicken
Frank decided to pop the question.
“I went down on my hands and knees and proposed to Patty – and Patty said, ‘Yes!’”
Near as anyone can remember, theirs is the first wedding between Adult Day health clients. And the day they announced it to their fellow clients, everyone cheered and yelled, “Congratulations!”
“I don’t know what I would do without him,” Patty said. “He helps me in so many ways. He doesn’t realize it, but he helps me get along in this world.”
Patty had a stroke about seven years ago. Frank has multiple physical challenges. They met at the Everett center. Ever since, they have leaned on each other, supported each other, and they love each other.
“She talks and I talk lot at the same time saying the same thing,” Frank said. “We got so much vibes that we know each other quite well, and we love it and we’re so happy to be together.”
Science and health experts say it’s no secret that interpersonal relationships are key to living long and satisfying lives. People who live with physical challenges are no different. A recent article about relationships in the online magazine AmeriDisability states: “A disability doesn’t make one less worthy of having a romantic relationship . . ..”
Frank and Patty are no different.
They have dreams. They live together in an adult home now but hope to someday soon live on their own in their own place.
And they hope to soon take a honeymoon, traveling around the Pacific Northwest by train.
Both of them know that there are some who might not understand their special relationship. But they’re wrong. “Quite wrong,” Frank says.
“Some people might say, ‘Oh, that can’t work, but it is working quite well. We’re happy and madly in love with each other.”
And both hope their special bond can be an inspiration to others.
“I hope so,” Patty said. “I’d be happy for them if they can do it. You’ve got to really love that person to do it.”