People of Full Life: Glenda ‘Moe’ Pocha

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Glenda ‘Moe’ Pocha, Program Manager, Full Life Care Snohomish County Adult Day Health Center
There are some powerful moments at work sometimes. Recently, I covered our memory care program. A staff member called out. I was just back from vacation and had so much to do that day. But clients always come first.
A woman in the program, she attends five days a week. I was helping her and another client eat their lunch. The woman wasn’t able to put the food on her spoon so I helped her with that and then handed the spoon to her. After a while, she stopped and stared at the spoon. It seemed she didn’t know what to do with it. I said to her, “It’s sweet.” She stared at that fruit for the longest time.
I helped her get the food to her mouth. She looked directly at me as she took that bite.
After a moment, she touched her temple and said, “I have Alzheim …”
She couldn’t say the entire word. I touched her hand, looked back at her and gently said, “I know you do.” Tears swelled up in her eyes. She said to me “I’m scared.” The tears rolled down her cheeks.
Instantly, tears swelled up in my eyes too, and even again as I say this now, days later.
“This must be very scary,” I said. Then I told her, “Your husband will do everything he can to keep you safe. And when you’re here with us, we’ll do everything we can to keep you safe too.”
She nodded and said OK.
That moment was perhaps one of the most profound moments I’ve had in all my years working here. That I was there to share in that moment with her. We set forward each day wanting to make a difference in the lives of our clients, but so often, they make an everlasting difference in ours.