People of Full Life: Lisa Nott

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Lisa Nott, Certified Occupational Therapy Assistant-Licensed, Snohomish County Adult Day Health Center
I started with Full Life Care four years ago as a student. I did my fieldwork here when I was in OT (occupational therapy) school at Lake Washington Institute of Technology.
Before I worked here, I worked in skilled nursing rehabilitation. I found that very stressful. The focus was on the bottom dollar, to make a profit. Here, it’s the opposite. The focus is on the care of the client and making a positive impact on the individual’s life. It’s helping give meaning, no matter what the diagnosis it. That’s why I work here. It’s not nearly as stressful. It’s still fast-paced; it’s not a relaxing job because there are multiple things to get done every day. But the focus is clear.
How? For example, a person who has Alzheimer’s disease who has very limited abilities with daily function skills. We are giving them a sense of normalcy, a place to fit it and still enjoy life. A feeling of being OK with themselves and the way they are and the abilities they still have.
I know I’m making a positive difference.