Playing to the crowd

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ADH clients love local musician’s online performance

Musician Paul Cooper
Our Adult Day Health clients have been keeping busy since the centers closed in March due to the pandemic, engaging in the staff-led physical and cognitive activities now being offered eight times a week via video conferencing meetings.
But they enjoyed a special treat on a recent Wednesday when musician Paul Cooper took the stage.
Paul been playing guitar and singing for more than 60 years. Aside from performing in multiple bands, including Northwest Harness Company and The Wild, Wild West; and at local senior living communities, he’s found a special place at Full Life Care. Paul has performed regularly at Snohomish County Adult Day Health Center for nearly seven years, coming to know many clients and their favorite songs by name.
He says “consistency is key,” understanding how classic tunes can stir up powerful moments of reminiscence and positivity.
The audience of nearly 20 clients and eight staff came to a hush as Paul began his serenade. He crooned tunes by his own musical inspirations, including Elvis Presley and George Stra

Clients and staff enjoy Paul Cooper’s musical styling.
it, to the dozens of faces swaying to the beat and smiling back at him.
Later, he cranked up the tempo, getting more heads bobbing and toes tapping to “Boot Scottin’ Boogie” and “Crazy Little Thing Called Love.” Glenda “Moe” Pocha, Program Manager of the Snohomish County Adult Day Health Center, called out in the chat box, “Shake it. Don’t break it!”
The end of the hour was met with showers of thumbs up and applause, and clients eagerly agreed when staff announced their plan to invite Paul’s “nice little one-man-band” back on a monthly basis.
As Kellie Olson, the center’s Administrative Assistance said, “It’s like having their own live concert. It makes them feel special, and that’s what they need.”
During a typical week, the Adult Day Health Center department administers cognitive and physical activities over video conferencing that include trivia games, group exercise classes and more, twice a day, Monday through Thursday. Thursdays are also special Dance Party days.