Protect Adult Day Health

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Time to roll up our sleeves and protect Adult Day Health and other long-term care programs.
Last month we told you about the state Department of Social and Health Services proposals to offset impending revenue shortfalls brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic. While we are unsure when the legislature will hold a special session to deal with the budget shortfall, we cannot let our guard down.
The estimate of proposed budget cuts are severe and sobering. In short, the proposals equate to a reduction of more than $220 million in general fund state dollars and approximately $400 million in total dollars as nearly all of the state’s expenditures are matched by federal Medicaid matching funds.
The impact on Full Life Care clients would be devastating. The Adult Day Health Program would be eliminated, as would eligibility of Home Care clients.
This week a coalition of long-term care providers across the state joined to mount a campaign to oppose any budget reductions. Full Life Care is a member of that coalition and we intend to participate to the fullest.
We all know the value and cost-effectiveness of the current program:
- Adult day health programs serve low-income individuals with multiple chronic health conditions, dementia, TBI, mental illness and disabilities.
- Services include health care, rehabilitation, meals, respite for families and social interaction. Many of these individuals might otherwise need higher levels of health care or long-term care.
The budget reductions and resulting program cuts would eliminate the successful work we have accomplished this winter and spring to dramatically re-shape Adult Day Health care delivery in light of the pandemic. Our innovations in video conferencing and remote delivery of services have been groundbreaking and set a new standard of care delivery in the face of crisis. Without our efforts, our clients would be forced to avail themselves of higher levels of care within the existing delivery system at higher cost – a higher cost that is unnecessary.
We cannot meet the needs of the most vulnerable Washingtonians if we shred the long-term care safety net when we need it the most.
Contact your lawmaker this summer and urge them to reject any budget proposals that reduce long-term care services. Tell them that eliminating Adult Day Health is the least effective way to achieve their budget challenges. Cutting these services will not reduce the need; it will only forces clients into higher cost care delivery systems. That makes no sense.
Send them a message by following this link:
Or, call 1-800-562-6000. Tell the call center you want to leave a message for your legislators. They will ask for your address so they know which district you live in.