Standing Strong Together — for Seniors, Veterans and Caregivers

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New program will offer support, assistance to unpaid caregivers of vets, seniors
This Veteran’s Day, we honor not only all who served; we also honor the family caregivers who continue to help them stand strong.
And to act on that commitment, Full Life Care recently was awarded funding from the King County Veterans Seniors and Human Services Levy to improve quality of life for unpaid caregivers and the seniors and veterans they care for.
With this new funding, Full Life Care is proud to develop a new respite model for unpaid caregivers of seniors (55+) and veterans of any age. This program will develop and engage a cadre of local volunteer Care Teams to provide those in need and their caregivers with customized social, emotional and practical support, ranging from friendly companionship to light chore assistance.
This project is a perfect fit for Full Life Care’s Mission and Vision as we work toward a future where adults with serious illnesses or disabilities can be supported in the community rather than living in isolation or needing to resort to institutional care.
“We are honored to receive this funding and excited to harness the incredible power of volunteers to create a robust and sustainable program to support family caregivers throughout the county,” said Ginger Seybold, Full Life’s Director of Volunteer Programs and one of the grant administrators. “We look forward to a successful pilot with SHAG (Sustainable Housing for Ageless Generations) in early 2022 and have our sights set to expand the service broadly by this time next year.”
Tegenu Negi will lead outreach and training for this new endeavor. “I have great respect for family caregivers and recognize the challenges they face that can lead to isolation and burnout,” Tegenu said. “We hope to honor their needs by connecting them with a personalized support system so they can focus on their role as a loved one.”
The Care Team program will begin its pilot in January 2022, but we invite your support now.
Sign up to join our mailing list or attend an informational session to learn more about volunteering, referring caregivers, or helping us spread the word.
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Full Life Care, EIN 91-1095588, is a public charity recognized as tax-exempt by the IRS under Section 501(c)(3) located at 4712 35th Ave S, in Seattle and registered with the Washington State’s Charities Program as required by law.