Suit up

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The dress code is decidedly COVID conscious

BHS Amanda Wilson and Housing Stabilization and Supports Director Cricket Farr.
Behavior Health Specialist Amanda Wilson and her boss, Housing Stabilization and Supports Director Cricket Farr, recently visited a new client in a nursing facility. The nursing facility staff were taking COVID protocols very seriously and dressed up both our folks for the occasion.
“I do have to say that that was a care facility that was very conscientious of the PPE regulations,” Amanda said. “It was great to see how much care they put into us being safe and cautious. The front desk attendant tried to ease worries by telling us that they do not have COVID and that we should not be worried, but it was the precautions they were taking. It was well done.”
Amanda has recently joined the Community Transitions team. Cricket was guiding her through initial intake for a new client.