Volunteers integral to Full Life

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Volunteers are valued as an integral part of Full Life Care programs and services. Each year, hundreds of volunteers give some 15,000 hours of service, the equivalent of about $350,000 of support.
The COVID-19 pandemic drastically impacted our Volunteer opportunities, necessitating almost exclusive delivery of services through “socially distant” models. Yet, Full Life Care has persevered. We never give up on people. Learn more about all our Volunteer efforts here.
One example of our efforts lies in the Cards of Encouragement campaign this summer. Watch the video to learn more about it.
The ElderFriends program custom matches volunteers to provide one-on-one companionship, outreach, and advocacy for isolated older adults in Seattle and King County. Watch the video to hear volunteers’ inspiring stories.
Please share the story of Full Life Care’s Volunteer programs with your networks and consider giving now.
Read more about Volunteer opportunities here
Full Life Care, EIN 91-1095588, is a public charity recognized as tax-exempt by the IRS under Section 501(c)(3) located at 800 Jefferson St Suite 620, in Seattle and registered with the Washington State’s Charities Program as required by law.