Welcome to Fall Campaign 2021!


We kick off this season’s fundraising campaign with a BIG announcement!

Once again this year, WaFd Bank is stepping up with a generous donation to help bedrock Full Life’s Fall Fundraising efforts!

Watch the exciting news break by clicking the YouTube link:


Again this year, our campaign is a totally virtual, peer-to-peer effort.

Our virtual peer to peer campaign is counting on you to ask your friends and colleagues to join you in supporting Full Life Care’s mission during this important Fall Campaign.

Every week throughout the campaign we’ll feature a new mini-video that focuses on our theme: “Standing Strong — TOGETHER!” You’ll see our clients and staff one-on-one and in virtual settings, working together to enrich clients’ lives, despite the separations that pandemic restrictions have imposed.

We’re proud of our staff and their work with our clients.

As you enjoy our videos and social media communications over the coming weeks, know that your supporting donations are more important than ever this year. Give generously now.



Click here to make a donation now!
Full Life Care, EIN 91-1095588, is a public charity recognized as tax-exempt by the IRS under Section 501(c)(3) located at 4712 35th Ave S, in Seattle and registered with the Washington State’s Charities Program as required by law.
Categories: Program Stories