‘We’ve become friends’

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Strong bonds can form between clients and Home Care Aides
During this COVID-19 pandemic, we’ve remembered that while some of us are able to abide by self-quarantine directives and work from home, Full Life’s Home Care Aides cannot. Their job is by the side of their clients, in the client’s home.
Whether it’s cooking, cleaning or assisting with other chores that enable folks to remain living independently, Home Care Aides become essential aspects in the lives of these clients who need support as they cope with sometimes debilitating physical challenges.
But you don’t need to take our word for it. We recently asked a few clients to tell us the value of their Home Care Aide. Here are their thoughts, in their own words.

Loretta Holroyd and Zofia Predki
Client: Loretta Holroyd
Home Care Aide: Zofia Predki (January 2020 Caregiver of the Month)
“Zofia comes Monday, Wednesday and Thursday, three hours each day. I love it when she comes on Mondays and I simply hate it when she leaves on Thursday.
“She leaves the apartment sparkly clean on Thursday for the weekends.
“Always on time. Hard worker. She always sees something that needs to be done and she does it. There’s a lot of things I can’t do anymore. Sometimes I can’t bend over to pick up a tissue. Zofia’s is right there.
“She’s become very dear to me. We talk. We communicate very well. I’m a patient person, and so is she.
“We’re a team. If I have to go somewhere, the pharmacy or something, I have her go with me.
“She catches me when I stumble to get my balance back. She serves me if I can’t get out of bed. There are some days I can get around, other days I can’t. Zofia knows what to do. I’m hoping she’ll stay a long time.”
Client: Tina Dwiggins
Home Care Aide: Habibo “Habiba” Geesood
“Oh, she’s sweet, funny, efficient. Willing to sit down and do nothing if that’s what I want her to do. Sometimes I can’t stand constant activity around me.
“I’m a Christian who grew up in atheist family. She’s Muslim. She doesn’t make me feel uptight. We talk about religion. She respects mine; I respect hers.
“She is actually one of my best friends. She knows who I am and it doesn’t put her off when sometimes I use a bunch of four-letter words.
“I have tremendous respect for her. She won’t buy me pinot noir or bacon, but I’ll forgiver her for that.
“Hope I die on her clock. I’m the lucky one.”
Client: Teresa Jimenez
Home Care Aide: Asha Muhidin
“Asha’s very understanding. She helps me to feel comfortable taking a bath. Washing my hair. Very gentle. She’s people pleasing. She wants to meet my needs.
“We have good conversations. I feel like she’s a friend, too. We’re together a lot. Five days a week, five hours a day. You develop a rapport. You can’t help it; we’ve become friends.
“Sometimes she’ll be cooking and I’ll be sitting on my walker and try to direct her. I taught her how to cook up Puerto Rican Arroz con Pollo. You know, where you fry the chicken a little bit, then use all those juices for the garlic, onion, bell pepper, then take your rice and fry that up real good, one or two minutes. She’s all amazed and goes home and makes these dishes. Her kids loved it.
“She said she eats bananas with spaghetti. So do I! She tripped out. We do that same thing.
“She won my heart. If I needed her I feel like she would be there for me.”
Client: Nancy Rohrbaugh
Home Care Aide: Tynesha Wilson
“Ty’s companionship is very helpful to me.
“She’s been coming now six or seven years. She’ll come in and do my house, which I appreciate. Go to the store for me. The laundry. Go to appointments with me. She’s terrific. She comes in and gets it all done. Then sit and visit for a while. It’s great!
“You guys just gone above and beyond the call with her. I don’t know what I’d do without you.
“I’ve had two major back surgeries. I can’t do a whole lot of standing without being in excruciating pain.
“You guys and Ty have taken really good care of me.”
Client: Northsea Bowie
Home Care Aide: Reya Arey (March 2020 Caregiver of the Month)
Reya comes in four hours once a week. And I’ll tell you, it’s a grand four hours.
“She lifts your spirits. She doesn’t have to but she helps me bathe and she washed my back, Can’t reach my feet anymore and she washed in between my toes. Such a loving gesture, oh my God. You don’t know how good that feels.
“She and I talk about everything. We hold intelligent conversations. Not me giving orders.
“You know, polio, come back to bite me. Again. I beat it the first time, but it’s come back to haunt me. I’m great from the top up. Reya helps me and takes care of me.
“We are friends.”
And while we’re at it, let’s celebrate other recent Caregivers of the Month:
February: Arrington Drake
April: Anab Ali and Celine Mukengeshayi (sometimes we have two)
May: Karsen Farmer
June: Henry Afful and Shanon Lindelof