Planting seeds of wellness

For dozens of Senior Housing Authority residents, winter blues have been replaced by fresh greens and fresh perspectives on wellness, thanks to UW Nursing students.

Musical cheer for the season

Let's listen again to two extremely talented Full Life clients and their musical renditions of some holiday classics.

Thanksgiving cheer!

 Though we eliminated in-home visits, in many ways the event was even more meaningful to our isolated elder participants this year!

Patience and a plan pay off

Health Home care coordinator -- Their title says it all: They coordinate. They also facilitate, counsel, encourage and dig deep to find solutions.

Avoiding loneliness

Living through the COVID-19 pandemic requires new communication strategies to ward off feelings of isolation and loneliness.

A spooky good time

Last Thursday’s Adult Day Health Zoom dance party was so much fun it was almost scary.

Fundraising finale

With less than 48 hours to go, we are very nearly to our goal of $100,000 in our October fundraising campaign!