Cheyenne and Lola

Solace in Companionship

A friendship forged during times of isolation endures Warmth. Safety. Comfort. These are some of the feelings that you experience when you develop a connection with a new friend that makes you feel seen, heard, and understood. There is power in finding an instant connection with somebody and feeling like you’ve found a forever friend… Read More

Call to Action – Veterans, Seniors, and Human Services Levy

Every six years, King County voters get the opportunity to vote on the Veterans, Seniors and Human Services Levy (VSHSL) that invests in a wide range of community programs provided by human service workers: essential support, housing, and care for our elders, young children, and other neighbors who need support, safety, or assistance.  The VSHSL… Read More
Barbara pictured with family companion Sonny

A Care Team Story: Multiple Perspectives; Mutual Admiration

Barbara and Dreux lived a pretty typical life. Together, they went to work, dabbled in the arts, and met with family and friends on the weekends. Dreux drove, played in a band, and took care of the couple’s travel plans, and Barbara enjoyed painting. But in February 2020, Dreux’s health took a turn. With a… Read More
ADH UW Nursing - Spa Day Photo

UW Nursing Students and Full Life Care Partner to Improve Clients’ Wellbeing

UW Nursing students implemented programs such as a spa day, social gatherings and informational brochures to encourage healthy living among Full Life’s clients.  For many of Full Life Care’s clients, limited health literacy, social interaction and access to nutritious food are among the barriers they face on a regular basis. As part of an ongoing… Read More